Titre: Big NEWS au Brésil ! Posté par: Mathieu le 23 Mai 2005 - 13:08:23 Si l'on en croit l'ufologue brésilien A. J. Gevaerd, et il n'y a aucune raison de ne pas le croire, les militaires de son pays viennent de franchir une étape mémorable. Vendredi dernier, au cours d'une réunion organisée avec quelques ufologues ils ont reconnu officiellement l'existence des ovni, et ont même cité quelques cas "énormes", comme par exemple au mois de mai 1986 : 21 objets inconnus de plus de 100m de diamètre qui perturbent le trafic aérien au-dessus de tout le pays, sans que la chasse ne puisse rien y faire !
Citation From: A. J. Gevaerd - Revista UFO To: Date: Sun, 22 May 2005 11:58:47 -0300 Subject: Brazilian Military Release Classified UFO Information This is a broad announcement for the International UFO Community, forums and lists over the internet, general public and media: Brazilian Military Recognize UFO Research And Release Classified Information By A. J. Gevaerd, Editor of the Brazilian UFO Magazine and Head of the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers - CBU Friday, May 20, was an historic day for Ufology in Brazil, and around the world, as the Brazilian Air Force (FAB), for the very first time in its history, officially received a committee of top UFO researchers to openly discuss UFO sightings in Brazil and fully examine classified government UFO documents in several military facilities in Brasilia, the Federal Capital. By taking this very important step, the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) has placed Brazil on a very short list of countries whose militaries acknowledge that Ufology is a serious activity and a significant effort to fully understand the nature and origin of UFOs. "We want to have all info on the subject, that is withheld by us for some decades, fully released to public, through the UFO community", declared Brigadier Telles Ribeiro, chief of Brazilian Air Force Communication Center. The Brazilian Government, through the Brazilian Air Force, finally decided to come forward and recognize UFO research as a genuine activity as a direct result of intense pressure by the campaign, UFOs: Freedom of Information Now, a movement started by the Brazilian UFO Magazine in April 2004. The campaign was launched by the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU), composed of 6 UFO civilian researchers: Claudeir Covo, Marco Petit, Rafael Cury, Reginaldo de Athayde, Fernando Ramalho and A. J. Gevaerd. Athayde was sick and replaced by new interim-member and veteran UFO researcher Roberto Affonso Back. Details of the campaign both in Portuguese and in English can be read at: www.ufo.com.br and www.ufo.com.br/secrecy.php The approach to the Brazilian military by the CBU committee started last February, ten months after the campaign began, with a phone call from a Brazilian Air Force spokesman, Major Antonio Lorenzo, and a formal invitation to a visit and discussion at Air Force headquarters in Brasilia. Major Lorenzo fully recognized the UFO researchers' efforts in the field and provided a few details of what kind of classified files and procedures the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) has about UFO phenomena and its detection, recording and investigation. Two meetings, took place last Friday, May 20, between the civilian UFO researchers and the military. The first happened in the headquarters of the Integrated Center of Air Defense and Air Traffic Control (Centro Integrado de Defesa Aerea e Controle de Trafego Aereo, Cindacta), a very sensitive facility. Over two hours, the researchers were given lectures on the procedures conducted at Cindacta and had the chance to visit air traffic control rooms and understand how UFOs could be detected by Air Force personnel. The second, and most important, meeting took place almost immediately, at the restricted facilities of Brazilian Air Defense Command (Comando de Defesa Aerea Brasileiro, Comdabra), an even more sensitive installation that controls the entire air defense systems in the country and surrounding areas of the Atlantic Ocean and South America. In this facility the UFO researchers were given a full briefing of the top aspects of aerial defense of the country. It was at this facility that its commander, Brigadier Atheneu Azambuja, told the UFO researchers how concerned the Brazilian military are about the UFO phenomena. Azambuja also gave details of Comdabra procedures and openly admitted that the Brazil has systematically detected and registered UFOs – labeled as "H Traffic" – since 1954. That wasn't a surprise for the UFO researchers of the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU), but how this registering process took place was. After detailed explanations of Comdabra activities, Brigadier Atheneu Azambuja, for the first time in history, gave full access to the civilian UFO researchers, allowing them to examine 3 different folders containing classified UFO information, cases from specific dates in 1954, 1977 and 1986. The first case was an airplane pursuit of a UFO over the ocean shores of Parana State. The second file was much more important. In the folder containing the 1977 documents examined by the UFO researchers were dozens of cases of UFOs in the Amazon with an amazing over 100 pictures taken during 'Operation Saucer', an official program of UFO investigation by the military that took place from September to December, 1977, and has been fully covered by specialized UFO pressaround the world. The third case was the "The Official Night of UFOs in Brazil", a very significant series of events that happened in May 1986, when 21 objects of over 100 metres in diameter jammed the Brazilian air traffic control system over Rio de Janeiro, Sao Jose dos Campos and Sao Paulo, when several jets were sent to intercept the intruders – without success. The Brazilian Air Force (FAB) representatives at those meetings then fully admitted that Ufology is serious business and broadly recognized the activity of UFO research by the civilian UFO community. And also guaranteed that further steps are about to be taken to let the researchers to examine the entire military UFO files in a more comprehensive way. Plus, a committee of military and civilian UFO researchers would be established very soon, co-ordinated by the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU). This certainly means that we will start a new era in Ufology in Brazil and in South America. Very good things are about to happen as the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) Command, the Brazilian Ministry of Defense and Brazilian Ppresident Luis Inacio Lula da Silva receive the open letters and formal requests for opening for good the documents and start the mentioned committee, as presented to them by their spokesman. More news to come. A. J. Gevaerd, editor Editor of the Brazilian UFO Magazine Head of the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers - CBU www.ufo.com.br gevaerd@ufo.com.br http://www.ufo.com.br/secrecy.php si vous arrivez à vous connecter... Traduction en français sur le site de Patrick Gross (merci à lui !) : http://www.ufologie.net/htm/ufobr01f.htm Good news ! Mathieu Titre: Big NEWS au Brésil ! Posté par: DiDo le 24 Mai 2005 - 12:25:58 c'est Historique !...
... si d'autres pays se mettent à confirmer cette réponse... sincèrement, ça me ferait flipper... car ça voudrait dire (peut-être) qu'il faudrait se préparer à une info plus inquiétante encore... telle qu'une genre invasion ? :-o Titre: Big NEWS au Brésil ! Posté par: Mathieu le 07 Juin 2005 - 18:00:17 L'armée de l'air du Brésil vient de mettre en ligne un petit reportage sur la visite des ufologues au centre de commandement :
http://www.fab.mil.br/portal/aerovia/index.htm Ca c'est pour le lien officiel, mais la vidéo étant très longue à télécharger, le site devant être surchargé suite à l'annonce de ce petit document... le voici plus près de chez vous : ufologos256.wmv (http://cmath.free.fr/signes/ufologos256.wmv) (3,7 Mo, 1min50) Mais bon, moi je ne comprends pas vraiment le portugais... A+ Mathieu Titre: Big NEWS au Brésil ! Posté par: Fox le 06 Décembre 2005 - 00:06:29 Encore un pays, je crois que l'Italie, la Belgique, l'Australie, le Mexique et le Chili sont dans le même cas que le Brésil, et en ce moment même des parlemantaire Canadien demandent au gouvernement de dévoiler au public certein chose cachée sur les ET. :)